Friday 8 June 2007

One sleep to go!

In an idyllic scenario, the day before I jet off, I would be all packed, confident that I had not missed anything, and indulging in tea and talk with family and friends about what this overseas adventure would bring. And, while there were fragments of this calm version of events, it was more a flurry of packing, and re-packing – omitting several items that I had once thought oh-so essential – and organising my pre-departure day down to a minute-by-minute schedule. Even in my sleep I was ticking off check-lists.

But after months of planning, the trip that always felt so far away can now be counted down by the hour. A little more than a year ago, touring Mexico was a little pipe-dream my best friend, and now travel-partner, Emma and I conjured up over a few too many Coronas on a hot day in a Brisbane bar. The culture, history, beaches, party-atmosphere, and the thought of $1 Coronas versus the $7.50 imported price in Australia was just too tempting.

While I am nursing feelings of elation and excitement of three weeks in Mexico (we have opted to stay a few extra days at the start and conclusion of the tour), I am also juggling the thought of jumping on a plane in Mexico City and heading straight to London for a two-year working holiday. Coming from a girl whose travel experience stayed firmly planted on the east coast of Australia, this adventure will certainly be so very exciting, but also an eye-opener into the lives of other cultures. And now in just hours I will be waving goodbye to many sad, tear-soaked faces at Brisbane International Airport and boarding for the adventure of a lifetime!

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